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We have only just begun...

As I conclude the two remaining courses in my graduate studies, I have embarked on a challenging yet rewarding journey. The Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction and Synthesis of Digital Learning and Leadership/Capstone have further deepened my knowledge of creating innovative and engaging learning environments. I aimed to implement video-based morning announcements into an elementary learning environment throughout this journey. Later, I added the need to create a professional learning platform for teachers within those environments. Finally, reflecting on my experiences, I have identified the key factors contributing to my success and growth as a learner and professional.


Throughout this journey, my colleagues have been an instrumental source of motivation and support. Their willingness to share their experiences, provide feedback, collaborate, and be a voice of reason and inspiration has been invaluable. In turn, I have stepped up and provided valuable feedforward to others more than I have, recognizing the importance of contributing to the learning community. I am committed to continuing my growth, as collaboration and exchanging ideas are essential for professional development.


As an individual that shied away from the spotlight, I initially found it challenging to actively participate in discussions and share my thoughts with my peers. However, as I began offering my insights and support to others, I realized my contributions were valued and appreciated. This helped me overcome the barrier of my reserved personality and become more comfortable engaging with my colleagues.


At the onset of this final session, Dr. H's first class meeting set the tone for the mindset I needed to attack what was to come. His lecture was instrumental and reminded me of coaches and mentors that have played pivotal roles in my life. His enthusiasm and support inspired me to push through the initial mental barriers due to the fear of the unknowns that lay ahead. 


In addition to Dr. H's inspiring first-class meeting, Dr. Meeuwse played a pivotal role in my success throughout these final courses. Her straight-to-the-point, highly organized, structured teaching approach provided a clear path to success. Her invaluable guidance, support, and remarkable availability and responsiveness ensured that any questions or concerns were addressed promptly. Moreover, her fast turnaround times when providing feedback on instruction and assessments allowed me to make timely adjustments, contributing to my overall growth as a learner and professional. I am incredibly grateful for Dr. Meeuwse's and Dr. H's dedication to their students' success and commitment to creating an engaging and supportive learning environment.


Overall, my journey through these final two courses has been a transformative experience, marked by personal growth, collaboration, and the development of valuable skills that will undoubtedly serve me well in my future endeavors. I am grateful for the opportunity to reflect on my experiences and appreciate my colleagues' and instructors' support and guidance.

Contributions to My Learning - Fall 2022: Bio


Reflecting on my performance and contributions, I have given myself a 98 out of 100 in 5315 Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction and a 92 out of 100 in 5320 Synthesis of Applied Digital Learning and Leadership/Capstone. These scores are based on my running average up to the end of the course and consider my increased participation, interaction in class discussion topics, feedback contributions, and overall growth as a learner and professional. 

98 / 100

5315 - Assessing Digital Learning and Instruction

92 / 100

5320 - Synthesis of Applied Digital Learning Capstone

Contributions to My Learning - Fall 2022: Infographics


Contributions to My Learning - Fall 2022: Text

Required Reading:

Cummings, C D., Thibodeaux, T. N., & Harapnuik, D. K. (2017). Using the COVA learning approach to create active and significant learning environments. In Keengwe, J. S. (Eds.). Handbook of research on digital content, mobile learning, and technology integration models in teacher education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Submitted for Publication. - Using the COVA Approach to Promote Active Learning-Chapter Draft.pdf


Mertler, C. A. (2019). Action research: Improving schools and empowering educators (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.


Thibodeaux, T. N., Harapnuik, D. K., Cummings, C. D., & Wooten, R. (2017). Learning all the time and everywhere: Moving beyond the hype of the mobile learning quick fix. In Keengwe, J. S. (Eds.). Handbook of research on mobile technology, constructivism, and meaningful learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. Submitted for Publication. - Learning All the Time and Everywhere-InPressDraft.pdf


Please take advantage of all the free tools, templates, videos, and related resources on the Action Research Companion Site at


Action Research Video 1.1 & 1.2 (You are only required to watch 1.1 & 1.2) - captions on videos

Action Research Video 2.1 (You are only required to watch 2.1) - captions on video

Action Research Video 3.1 (You are only required to view video 3.1)

Action Research Video 4.1 (You are only required to view video 4.1)


The following resources helped me in my final synthesis.

Contributions to My Learning - Fall 2022: Text

Video Resources

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